Robbie and Katie Get a Hairy Scare by Lea Schizas is a charmingly
told tale about two five-year old twins waiting to get their first
haircut. The delightful dialogue of the twins as they gaze upon their
older sister, who is getting her hair cut first, should take the sting
out of any child's resistance to visit a hairdresser. Highly
Elementary Schoolteacher
We've heard the saying "out of
the mouths of babes" -well Lea Schizas shows us the view of getting a
simple haircut through the eyes of babes. Fun tale where, as always, the
little ones get the better of their elders.
Cute, very cute....why didn't
I think of playing dead all those haircuts ago?
Christine I. Speakman - Reviewer
(testimonial comes from Christine's 6 year-old daughter's input, as well-"funny...best
part when Marcie's hair was flipping all over.")